Team Volusia EDC

Team Volusia EDC


Team Volusia EDC

One Daytona Blvd
Ste 240
Daytona Beach, FL 32114 | map | directions
Connect With Us

Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation (TVEDC), through tremendous commitment and partnerships, works on strategic economic development activities and business recruitment initiatives in Volusia County, Florida.

Team Volusia EDC is a public/private not-for-profit corporation founded in 2010 whose primary mission is to market and recruit business from outside the area, to Volusia County. An autonomous entity, the organization is a valuable part of the economic development delivery system and works in partnership with state and county agencies, municipalities, chambers of commers and other resource partners to achiever county-wide economic development goals for Volusia County.

Member Since: 2011
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 (Date: 3/28/2025)