Smith Bigman Brock

Smith Bigman Brock


Smith Bigman Brock

444 Seabreeze Blvd
Ste 900
Daytona Beach, FL 32118 | map | directions
Dawn Kowalski Dawn Kowalski
(386) 254-6875 | fax: (386) 257-1834
Connect With Us

Our story begins with the credentials and accomplishments of our named partners, each of whom is a Board-Certified Specialist in one or more key areas of practice. Horace Smith Jr., Jeffrey E. Bigman and Jeffrey P. Brock are widely recognized for both their legal acumen and community contributions. Smith Bigman Brock is a first-call resource, known for our strengths in complex divorce and family law concerns, transactions, and matters involving trusts and estates, business litigation, appeals, home owners and condominium owners associations matters, with formidable concentrations in insurance defense and real estate concerns at all levels of complexity.

Member Since: 1991
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